Wednesday, January 01, 2025

The year that was: 2024

2024 was overall a good year for me. I've made progress on a number of fronts that for a long time had seem kind of stalled and I'm looking to keep that going in the coming year.


Work has been good this year. In May my team leader decided to take an extended period of leave and I stepped up to fill in for him while he's away. This was a bit daunting as I've never really considered myself a leader per se, and my ambitions have always been more along the lines of trusted adviser than top dog. Some aspects of the job have been straight forward such as the admin that comes with the job, but others have been learning experiences. Early in my tenure as lead one of the team members put in their resignation, which meant I had to go through the recruitment process on the hiring side of things. Reading resumes, conducting interviews, assessing people, delivering the bad news to those who weren't successful were all things I hadn't planned on having to do when I stepped up. It was very educational and I I'll be better prepared for future interviews as the applicant in the future from the experience. 

On the primary side of the job, I think I'm mostly going OK. There's been a few learning experiences, and a few situations that would have challenged any of the more experienced leads as well, so while I know I can (and will) do better, I don't think I'm doing too bad, and am still working to do better. 

Currently my higher duties is set to expire in May even though my lead is away until September. That's because that's the longest it can go without being made a secondment which requires an EOI to be put out and interviews done, so when that happens I'll be applying to stay in the role. And who knows if he'll feel like coming back after 18 months away traveling.


Stepping up to team lead isn't as lucrative as you might think, only 6-7 dollars an hour more, for a fair bit more stress and responsibility. However, moving into the control room 5 years ago still remains the best thing that ever happened to my finances. having finally been made permanent last year I bought a unit and left the renter class for the foreseeable future.While my living expenses have trended up over the years since, I'm still saving a fair chunk of money. I'm well ahead on my mortgage having paid off more than 10% where minimum payments would be only a bit over 2%, and since I have unlimited withdraw if something happens I can still use the extra I've paid. A chunk of that was done by taking money in my savings account and moving it over so I don't expect to be able to pay off as much next year.

The unit is still going good, it's got lots of room, a good location for me, and I'm still working to make it a bit more me rather than a blank canvas. I've started on phase 2 of furnishing, which is replacing some old items that were OK but I want something a bit nicer. The biggest part of this is a fancy dining/gaming table that will replace the plastic trestle table I bought as a desk when I first moved out as a uni student which has been serving faithfully since then. This will cost about $5500 total. The rest is replacing some old book shelves that have too much curvature on the shelves and some chairs to go with the new table.


I've made some good progress this year. In addition to regular PT sessions, I've been seeing a nutritionist about once a month. This combo has seen me lose 24 kilos this year, and my pants size has dropped from 44 to 38 (I've had to buy two new belts this year and spent more on clothes than in some time). I have kind of plateaued at 105kg for the last 2-3 months, but I do want to at least get under 100kg. I've started going to a nearby Parkrun, and intend to keep going as my work schedule allows. I've only once done the 5km without having to walk at least 1km, but I'm improving and with time will get more consistent and can then work on speeding up. I still don't know how people manage times in the 16-20 minute range, but I'll be happy if I can get down to the low 30 minutes (by best time so far is 37:04, but that's an outlier and the rest are 39-42 minutes).


This is probably the one area that I haven't made any progress in. A few random catch ups with friends but not much consistent contact. PAX was a good experience but it does highlight how it's a limited time only event and outside that not much happens. Similarly, Bordercon feels different now that there's fewer people I know going as well and that I'm traveling by myself rather than as a group which was how it was when I started attending. There were a few moments with people that made me feel its still worthwhile going.

One thing that is new in this space is that I started using a dating app. I've not actually gone on any dates, and only had a few matches that resulted in some chats that sort of petered out (once on my part, the rest on theirs), but actually doing this is something new. The fact that I feel like I'm ready is a step forward, and I'll see what the new year brings. 

I've been to a lot more live shows this year of a wider variety of events. TISM was a really good concert, and probably something it would have been good to be more aware of back in the day instead of just enjoying them on JJJ. They Might Be Giants was the other concert I went to that I really enjoyed. Finishing with Istanbul and Dr Worm was a great end to the show. That said both of those I went by myself and was a lone individual in a crowd. I don't mind going to shows alone, but larger events make it clear that I'm an outlier in this regards.

Looking forward

So what do I want to get out of 2025. I hope to spend most if it still acting as the team lead. There's been a few times since starting that I've filled in as a controller and it felt like I was operating on easy mode and I missed the stress/challenge of the new role. I'm not sure how I'll go when the permanent lead comes back, as I wouldn't want to go long term feeling underutilised.

I'll try and be more engaged with other people, but I'm not sure how well I'll go with that. I should try and do more in person board gaming, but my work roster makes it tricky.

Another year has gone without getting around to getting a new passport. Not that I have any plans for international travel, but it would be nice to have one again. I'm going to try and visit Adelaide this year when I take time off in October. I had planned to go this year but cancelled due to not feeling well. Add in the usual trips to Albury, Melbourne, and Innisfail, and I'll still rack up a fair few kilometres.